Limiting Chloride

What Else Can I Do to Limit Chlorides in the Environment?:

  • Avoid using Bleach if you have a septic system
  • Use phosphate and chloride free dishwasher soap and household cleaners
  • Shovel early after a snowstorm to minimize the need for deicers.
  • If you must use a deicer, consider a pre-wetted 1:1 sand and road salt mixture to minimize the amount of chlorides released.
  • Apply deicers early and sparingly; extra salt will not melt ice faster!
  • Do not deice with kitty litter, ashes, or any product containing urea.
  • Upgrade your water softener to a newer model with an on-demand setting.
  • Set your water softener to the correct hardness level for your water, and connect it so only inside water is being softened.

Funding for this project was provided in part by the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission through a Watershed Management Board Grant